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The Chinese economy is very closely connected with the world economy, so it is important to understand and monitor the economic situation of this country. China is a fairly large and important exporter (and importer) of products to the Eurozone countries and the USA. Naturally, Chinese demand also affects the economies of large countries such as the US, Canada, and the entire Eurozone. The Chinese economy, the growth or decline of GDP in China significantly affects the global GDP and the economic activity of many countries of the world. Therefore, it is important to understand that the fall or growth of GDP in China will affect the GDP of the Eurozone and the United States, and as a result, it will affect global GDP.
China Inflation Rate
China GDP Annual Growth Rate
Caixin China General Manufacturing PMI
Caixin China General Services PMI
Caixin China General Composite PMI
China NBS Manufacturing PMI (Business Confidence)
China Consumer Confidence
Investor Profile (Eng, Ukr)
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